I received these products from BugBand Insect Repellents and Grease Monkey in exchange for an honest review. These products are available online from amazon, walmart.com and target.com. They are also available in most major retail stores nationwide such as Walmart, Bass Pro, Cabela's and most other stores where outdoor supplies are sold.
Summer is upon us, and with the warm sunny days we are spending more time outdoors. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bees have come out as well. Nothing can spoil your fun as fast as a swarm of mosquitoes or other insects. They can make camping miserable, they can make a family BBQ intolerable and they can make your family want to just stay inside to avoid them. But these DEET free products from Bug Band can help save your summer plans while protecting you from the danger of contracting the West Nile Virus, the Zika Virus and other bacteria and parasites that are often carried by these insects. The spray lotion pictured above will help keep those flying, biting pests away. Just spray a little on your exposed skin, or even on your clothing, and you're good to go. Re-apply every 2-4 hours as needed. These products contain naturally derived Geraniol, a natural substance produced by honeybees, and this is what repels the insects.
It is also available in the form of wipes, which you can get in a canister of 40, or in individual packets that contain 2 towelettes. Just wipe the towelettes all over your exposed skin to repel the insects. The suggested retail prices are $12.95 for the canister and $4.95 for the 2 pack towelettes.
If you don't want to use the spray lotion or the towelettes, you can choose these wrist bands. They are available in several different colors including olive green, blue, yellow, red, pink, black, purple, orange and glow in the dark. Each band comes in a resealable plastic "pod" to store your band in between uses. The bands are designed to break away if it gets entangled in something, so there is no danger of anyone getting it caught on something and not being able to get loose. You can wear these bands on your wrist, belt loops or hat bands. You can also attach them to pet collars to protect your pets, hang them on your tent or from a baby carriage. The suggested retail price for the band is $4.95 each or $14.95 for a family pack of 4 bands.
If you are camping or hiking in a wooded area, or an area with high grass, you need to worry about ticks as well as flying insects. As you know, ticks can carry Lyme Disease, which can cause severe health problems if contracted. The Bug Band Tick Plus Insect Repellent Spray Lotion will help keep the ticks away.
When you're camping, or just outdoors having fun in the summer, you can often get your hands really dirty. Maybe it's the greasy gunk that gets on grills, maybe it's grease you picked up changing your kid's bicycle chain, and maybe it's road tar from changing a flat tire on your car. Things like this usually happen when you are in the middle of nowhere with no soap and water handy to wash it away. Grease Monkey Wipes are easy to take along with you because they come in both a canister and in individual packets. And they will clean away nearly anything. They are designed to clean grease, grime, oil, road tar, adhesives and even permanent marker. It won't dry out your hands either. They even smell good with their citrus formula. They are perfect to take along for any activity that might get your hands dirty: bikes, motorcycles, boats, ATVs, tractors and mowers, cars and trucks. The suggested retail price is $5.49 for a canister of 25 wipes, $7.59 for a box of 12 individual wipes and $11.99 for a box of 24 individual wipes.
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