Monday, June 3, 2024

Dealing With Hard Times In Life

Needless to say, life is a series of ups and downs, and it’s entirely normal to encounter hard periods that test your resilience and strength. In fact, there are some pretty common life events that everyone is going to face at least once in their life, and you’ll have no other choice than dealing with them and navigating through them. These are things that are beyond your control, like financial issues or when a loved one passes away. 

Image Credit - Unspalsh

These challenging times can be overwhelming, and leave you feeling like you're drowning. But there are ways that you can navigate through them with grace and self compassion. Everyone will have extremely rough periods and rock bottoms. Understanding that difficult moments are a part of life and learning how to handle them properly can help you become stronger and more resilient. Here are some suggestions on how to approach hard periods with a mindset that fosters growth and healing.

Go Ahead and Just Acknowledge How You’re Feeling

One of the worst things you can do is bottle up your feelings. The more you do that, the bigger the problem will become. So the first step in handling difficult periods in life is to acknowledge your feelings. It’s important to accept and realize that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, frustrated or overwhelmed.

These emotions are natural responses to challenging situations and you need to give yourself permission to experience your emotions without judgment. Bottling up your feelings will only lead to increased stress and anxiety. So allow yourself to process what you’re going through by talking to a trusted friend, journaling or seeking professional support.

Focus Only On What You Can Control

When faced with difficult situations, it’s easy to feel powerless. Almost everyone is going to feel this way in difficult situations. So try to focus only on what you are able to control. This can help you regain a sense of agency. You should try to focus on sticking to a routine, setting achievable goals or finding healthy ways to distract yourself. 

Just try your best and only concentrate on things that you can influence to help reduce your feelings of helplessness and take proactive steps toward healing. Otherwise that helpless feeling will eventually grow into anger. 

You’ll Need Healthy Coping Mechanisms

It's important to find some healthy coping mechanisms to utilize because unhealthy ones will bleed into your daily life and cause even more problems for you. For example, turning to alcohol could result in you developing an alcohol dependency. So no matter how mad you get at the world and your circumstances, try to find some more healthy options that will promote relaxation and your well being.

You could try something like micro-dosing on 1:1 CBD & THC gummies, because CBD is known for having a calming effect. Micro-dosing is suggested because higher doses could result in dependency, while these smaller amounts are safe. Other things you could try are doing hobbies, exercising, yoga or meditation. The important thing is that you make sure that your coping mechanisms are healthy! 


This is a contributed post. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Maintaining Wellness While Traveling

Traveling is a fantastic thing to do, and you’re sure to have some amazing adventures when you do it. But you also need to be careful. It’s so easy to wear yourself out and get sick when you’re traveling. Especially when you’re focusing on getting everything done or taking care of the people who are traveling with you. As a result, you often end up neglecting your own health in the process. 

The good news is there are plenty of ways to find wellness on your travels and stay on top of your own health and happiness no matter where you go or what you do. With that in mind, read on to see some some suggestions of things that you can do to maintain your wellness and enjoy your time away. 

Photo by Mateusz Dach

Discover Local Wellness Traditions

Everywhere you go you will find a variety of different traditions to explore and experience. Part of the joy of traveling is that you get to experience so much and learn local customs and activities.

While you’re doing that, look into the specific wellness traditions and ideas the area or country has. When you do that, not only are you learning more about the place you’ve gone to, but you’ll also benefit from the wellness aspect. So whether it’s a traditional massage, a sauna, some specific food or anything else, trying it out is fun and it can help you feel good too.

Stay Active

You might assume that when you’re traveling, you’ll have to forget about your usual fitness routine. There’s a chance your health will be affected while you’re away. Especially if you like trying lots of new food. 

But being away from home doesn't mean that you can’t stay fit and active. There are tons of things you can do that will help you stay healthy. Things like hiking through national parks, cycling around new cities to explore them better or even getting up early for a morning run before you continue sight seeing. Many hotels have a gym and even classes like yoga or Pilates to help you stay on track. 

Do Some Self Care

Traveling is what you make it. If you want to have a relaxing time away from home, that’s great. But you can easily add in some self care practices to create a trip that can make you feel a lot happier and healthier. And that could be the ideal way to find your wellness. 

Take a look at the facilities aavailable to you like spas, swimming pools, hot springs, or even a full wellness retreat for you to enjoy. Perhaps even take the time to get some help from an expert if you’re feeling less than perfect. Book an appointment with a good chiropractor, for example, and you’ll have less pain and more mobility, allowing you to enjoy your trip a lot more. 


 This is a contributed post.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Chasing Feel Good Vibes

We always seem to be on a constant quest for happiness and well being. And to achieve this pursuit, we often explore various methods to boost our mood. These may range from proven techniques like yoga or mindfulness practices, to more unusual alternatives like finding simple comfort in watching paint dry. Let's discuss some of the good, bad and ugly ways that people try to elevate their feelings of well being.


Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash

The Good: Tried and True Methods

  • Exercise: Breaking a sweat can release feel good endorphins. From high intensity interval workouts and yoga classes to nature walks and running marathons, regular physical activity has proven its mental health benefits countless times over.

  • Eating Healthy: Eating is the foundation of life, and it has long been noted that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can significantly boost our emotional well being. Nutritional psychiatry is also becoming an emerging field that highlights the connection between diet and mental well being.

  • Meaningful Connections: Humans are social creatures. And genuine, meaningful interactions with friends, family or even pets can significantly boost our mood and give us a sense of belonging. In an age where digital isolation reigns supreme, engaging with someone directly can be refreshingly transformative.

The Bad: Quick Fixes with a Catch

  • Retail Therapy: While purchasing something new can provide a temporary high, its effects can quickly fade away, leaving behind potential financial strain and the realization that happiness cannot be bought.

  • Binge Watching: While binging can feel therapeutic in the moment, too much screen time leads to sleep disruption and feelings of being wasteful with our time. It also results in fewer opportunities to experience life first hand and build connections in person. As with anything, moderation is key.

  • Junk Food: Junk food is a form of retail therapy for your taste buds. Although the instant gratification you get from eating it can provide short term happiness, the long term effects on your physical health and mental well being can be devastating. Treats are acceptable in moderation, but eating healthy is key for maintaining your overall well being and happiness.

The Ugly: Downright Harmful Methods

  • Substance Abuse: Using drugs and alcohol to enhance your mood can quickly lead to dependency. And this can have serious health and social consequences that will far outweigh any temporary relief you get from them. Click here for further drug detoxing info.

  • Extreme Overuse of Social Media: While excessive use of social media may appear less detrimental to your mental and physical health than substance abuse, social media's endless search for validation and comparison can have serious repercussions for your self esteem and well being.

  • Overworking: Living in a culture where we always seem to be busy, it's easy to develop the habit of overworking in order to feel valued or accomplished. This habit often leads to feelings of burnout and it affects both your physical and mental well being.

Conclusion: A Balanced Path to Well Being

Understanding and embracing all that's good while ignoring or rejecting what's bad and ugly is key to finding true happiness. Real and lasting satisfaction comes from engaging in physical activity, healthy eating habits and meaningful social interactions. Quick fixes won't deliver lasting happiness. Genuine well being lies in sustainable, healthy habits rather than those short lived momentary highs. So you need to find a good balance between the two.




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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What You Need To Know About Alternative Medicine

Lately, alternative medicine has been growing in popularity. People are curious, eyebrows are raised and discussions are heating up. If you're curious about alternative medicine, read on for a fair and balanced look at the realm of alternative treatments.

Image: Nataliya Vaitkevich/Pexels

Understanding Alternative Medicine

It's time to dive into the alternative medicine rabbit hole. It's a mixed bag, with enthusiasts on one side and a bunch of skeptics on the other. That's what makes the world of alternative medicine a bit of an enigma – a puzzle just waiting for someone to come along and connect the dots.

The Science Behind Alternative Medicine

There have been scientific studies investigating the effectiveness of various alternative therapies. Some therapies (such as acupuncture) have the results of several studies supporting them, while others find themselves standing solo in a sparse field of evidence. It's like a scientific rollercoaster – thrilling, but with a few loops of uncertainty.

Exploring Specific Alternative Therapies

Let's look at the specifics of some well known alternative therapies:

Acupuncture: Originating from the ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is like a concert conductor, aiming to harmonize the body's energy flow. It's known for its solo performances in pain relief and stress management.

Herbal Remedies: Nature's medicine cabinet – herbs are the seasoned chefs in the kitchen of healthcare. They mix up natural ingredients to whip up a concoction that offers relief and well being. But keep in mind that moderation is key. It's all about finding the right dose and combination for the perfect recipe.

Controlled Substances: In the garden of alternative therapies, some plants are fenced off. Let's look at some of them:

  • Psilocybin: Found in certain varieties of mushrooms, psilocybin isn't just a relic of ancient rituals; it's stepping into the limelight of modern therapy. It's used in controlled settings, particularly in mental health treatment.

  • Ketamine: Once the star of the anesthesia show, ketamine is also entering the mental health arena. Imagine it as a quick change agent, offering rapid relief from the heavyweights of depression and anxiety, all in controlled doses.

  • Cannabis: This is the herb that's both hailed and side eyed. From pain relief to relaxation, it has a vast repertoire of uses. But how long cannabis lasts in your system depends on things like the quantity consumed, how often you indulge and your body's unique composition.

Making Informed Choices

Before going all in, ensure your choices are well informed to avoid mishaps along the way.

Consulting Healthcare Professionals

Navigating these waters calls for a seasoned captain. Healthcare professionals are the compass that can help steer clear of choppy waters, ensuring that you get through your journey safe and sound.

Personal Health Considerations

Your health journey is uniquely yours, like a custom tailored suit that fits you and only you. Consider your health history, current conditions and the terrain ahead. It's all about finding the right fit.

Role of Research and Evidence

Knowledge is power. Dive into research, ask questions and weigh the evidence. It's like gathering your gear in preparation for an adventure to ensure that you have a safe and successful journey.


Alternative medicine is a bit like a spice rack in your kitchen, waiting to add a dash of diversity and potency to your healthcare journey. Balance is key, so embrace what works and let go of what doesn't. All while keeping an open mind. The healthcare journey is a winding road and alternative medicine is a fascinating pitstop along the way.




This is a contributed post. 


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Encouraging Your Child Not To Give Up An Activity

It feels inevitable, doesn’t it? When your kid gets involved in a new activity, there usually comes a day when they say they don’t want to do it anymore. As a parent, you don't think much of it the first or second time it happens. However, by the fourth or fifth time they decide they want to give it all up, you might be getting a bit frustrated. 

But how are you supposed to encourage them to continue playing what was once their favorite sport, or to keep attending the pottery club they once were super excited for? Read on for some tips that might help. 

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Only Try One Activity at a Time

If your child only has one thing to do after school, they’re not going to get overwhelmed. That makes them much more likely to stick to the activity and enjoy it. They’re not going to be too tired to keep up, or constantly thinking about how many other things they need to do before they go home. School, club, home, over! 

It’s nice to get your kids involved in as many extra-curriculars as possible. You’re only thinking about how much fun they can have, and preparing them for their future. Extra-curricular activities do look good on a college application after all. But if their schedule is too busy, they might start feeling overwhelmed and decide that they don't want to do any of it. So it's a good idea to stick to one thing at a time.

Don’t Take it Too Seriously

When you take an activity too seriously, your child is going to find it hard to keep up with the way you feel about it. They might feel like they’re being forced into doing something they don’t want to do, and that you actually enjoy the activity more than they do. Kids do pick up on it when adults try to live vicariously through them!

And while it’s nice to print out baseball lineup cards for your child’s little league team, and it’s good to get excited on the sidelines when they score a goal in soccer, make sure your enthusiasm matches theirs. You don't want them to feel like you’d be disappointed if they decided to stop, so be careful with the way that you try to encourage them. 

Talk About Why They Want to Quit

If it comes to a point where your child absolutely refuses to keep going, you’re going to have to bring out the big guns: talking to them about their decision. So, why do they want to quit? What’s going on at the club or activity that has destroyed their joy in it? 

Talk about it. And don’t be judgemental about the reasons they give you. You can discuss ways you can support them. It might be a good idea to insist that they give it another chance by going for a few more sessions, but if they're truly miserable, it’s time to pull them out. 

If your child is finding it hard to enjoy an activity that they're involved in, you should consider the points above as you decide you're best course of action. 



This is a contributed post.