Everyone knows that you can find some awesome deals on Black Friday. But those same deals bring out so many shoppers that the stores are all completely packed. Many people are not comfortable dealing with crowds. So what do you do if you want to score some awesome deals, but don't want to deal with the overwhelming crowd of shoppers in the stores? Well, you stay home, of course! You shop online!
Why venture out and brave the crowds of shoppers when you can shop from the comfort of your own home? You can even shop in your pajamas if you want! If you went out in public in your pajamas, people would look at you funny. They would probably even whisper and laugh while pointing at you. That's no fun. But if you are shopping online in your pajamas, no one will know but you! So grab your laptop or turn on your computer, grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, settle down in the comfort of your home...and start shopping!
Most major retailers offer Black Friday deals online, so you can find almost anything you want at huge sale prices! Amazon, Walmart, Target, and most other major retailers all have websites where you can shop online. You can go directly to your favorite retailer's website and look for their Black Friday sales, but my go to site for online Black Friday deals is Groupon. Groupon is a great place to find the very best Black Friday deals because it lists the best sales, discounts, coupons and coupon codes. Groupon is known for posting insanely low prices on a daily basis so imagine the deals you will find during the Black Friday sale!
Satisfy all of your Black Friday shopping needs in one place (your home) with Groupon. You can find travel packages that include airfare and accommodations, deals for your favorite restaurants and even discounts for gasoline for your car. Use the "Shop By Store" option and get big savings offered by your favorite retailers. Save on arts and crafts supplies at Hobby Lobby, and both Walmart and Target are great places to shop for clothing, electronics and apps, health and beauty, photography, even DVDs and CDs.
Once your cart is full and it is time to check out, submit your payment quickly and easily using a credit or debit card. It is secure and safe, but if you don't trust an online website with your credit or debit card number, you can pick up a prepaid visa from most retailers. A lot of people use this option because they don't have to use their actual bank issued card.
Once you have submitted your payment, the only thing left to do is wait for your purchases to be delivered to you. Sit back and relax while others are still rushing around trying to snag some of those bargains in the stores. Settle down with a good book while others are loaded down with dozens of shopping bags, carrying them to their cars so they can take them home. Enjoy doing something you love or spending time with your family after shopping online, while others return home from their in store shopping, so exhausted that they just want to pass out. You'll thank yourself for deciding to shop online instead of fighting the crowds in the stores on Black Friday.
I prefer shopping online in such situations. I cant stand the crazy crowds anymore.