Friday, October 25, 2019

Avoid Joint and Muscle Pain with this 10 Minute System

I received this book from Jiffy Body for review.  If you or someone you love suffers from joint and muscle pain, this book will give you tips on how to avoid, reduce or eliminate those pains.  You can purchase it from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Jiffy Body: The 10-Minute System to Avoid Joint and Muscle Pain is a must‐read for anyone who wants to avoid or reduce aches, pains, stiffness and swelling. This is a book you will want your family and friends to read. Learn this simple 10‐minute system that can majorly benefit your body for your entire life! Through clear instructions, photos, illustrations and even cartoons, Bart Potter will show you how to: 

• Avoid or reduce pain, swelling, injuries and stiff muscles and joints. 
• Improve coordination and tune‐up your hips, knees, ankles, feet, toes, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck. 
• Counteract the stress and damage of sitting for hours. 
• Lose weight, increase muscle and improve energy without having to go to the gym. 
• Lower your healthcare costs through this preventive system. 
• Keep playing with friends and family. 

Don’t let body dysfunction stop you! For a fraction of the cost of one insurance co‐pay, learn the secret that few people know: how muscle imbalance creates aches, pains, stiffness, swelling and how you can easily fix these issues. Jiffy Body is not a workout. You can even practice in your pajamas! Learn how to easily help you and your loved ones feel and function better, for life.

Since 1995 Bart Potter, the author of the book, has taught people of all ages a simple approach to avoid muscle and joint pain, tune-up their bodies and avoid injuries. 

For more information, visit the Jiffy Body website.

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